Results for 'Steven M. Nolt'

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  1. Arnauld and the Cartesian philosophy of ideas.Steven M. NADLER - 1989 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 181 (1):110-111.
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  2. Spinoza's 'Ethics': An Introduction.Steven M. Nadler - 2006 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Spinoza's Ethics is one of the most remarkable, important, and difficult books in the history of philosophy: a treatise simultaneously on metaphysics, knowledge, philosophical psychology, moral philosophy, and political philosophy. It presents, in Spinoza's famous 'geometric method', his radical views on God, Nature, the human being, and happiness. In this wide-ranging 2006 introduction to the work, Steven Nadler explains the doctrines and arguments of the Ethics, and shows why Spinoza's endlessly fascinating ideas may have been so troubling to his (...)
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    Meaning.Steven M. Cahn - 1975 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 35 (1):89-90.
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  4. Dimensions of Apeiron: A Topological Phenomenology of Space, Time, and Individuation.Steven M. Rosen - 2004 - Editions Rodopi, Value Inquiry Book Series.
    This book explores the evolution of space and time from the apeiron — the spaceless, timeless chaos of primordial nature. Here Western culture’s efforts to deny apeiron are examined, and we see the critical need now to lift the repression of the apeiron for the sake of human individuation.
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    The Self-Evolving Cosmos: A Phenomenological Approach to Nature's Unity-in-Diversity.Steven M. Rosen - 2008 - World Scientific Publishing, Series on Knots and Everything.
    This book addresses two significant and interrelated problems confronting modern theoretical physics: the unification of the forces of nature and the evolution of the universe. In bringing out the inadequacies of the prevailing approach to these questions, the need is demonstrated for more than just a new theory. The meanings of space and time themselves must be radically rethought, which requires a whole new philosophical foundation. To this end, we turn to the phenomenological writings of Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty. (...)
  6.  86
    Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch, and Jeffrey R. Botkin reply.Virginia Moyer, Steven M. Teutsch & Jeffrey R. Botkin - 2009 - Hastings Center Report 39 (1):7-8.
  7.  55
    The Why and How of Enabling the Integration of Social and Ethical Aspects in Research and Development.Steven M. Flipse, Maarten C. A. Sanden & Patricia Osseweijer - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):703-725.
    New and Emerging Science and Technology (NEST) based innovations, e.g. in the field of Life Sciences or Nanotechnology, frequently raise societal and political concerns. To address these concerns NEST researchers are expected to deploy socially responsible R&D practices. This requires researchers to integrate social and ethical aspects (SEAs) in their daily work. Many methods can facilitate such integration. Still, why and how researchers should and could use SEAs remains largely unclear. In this paper we aim to relate motivations for NEST (...)
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  8. Occasionalism and general will in Malebranche.Steven M. Nadler - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (1):31-47.
    This paper examines a common misreading of the mechanics of Malebranche's doctrine of divine causal agency, occasionalism, and its roots in a related misreading of Malebranche's theories. God, contrary to this misreading, is for Malebranche constantly and actively causally engaged in the world, and does not just establish certain laws of nature. The key is in understanding just what Malebranche means by general volitions'.
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    Navigating Academic Life: How the System Works.Steven M. Cahn - 2020 - Routledge.
    "This engaging collection of recent essays reveals how a professorial career involves not only pursuit of a scholarly discipline but also such unwelcome features as the trials of graduate school, the tribulations that may arise in teaching, and the tensions that may develop from membership in a department. The author, who enjoyed a distinguished career as a professor of philosophy and senior university administrator, draws on his extensive experience to offer candid advice about handling the frustrations of academic life. Combining (...)
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    Schizophrenia as a model of context-deficient cortical computation.Steven M. Silverstein & Lindsay S. Schenkel - 1997 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 20 (4):696-697.
    Phillips & Singer's compelling presentation is weakest in its demonstration of commonalities between sensory plasticity and higher forms of learning and behavior. We propose that available data on schizophrenia can provide such evidence, because of the presence of impairments in a number of functions central to their model, and strong relationships between these dysfunctions and behavior.
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  11. Why Natural Science Needs Phenomenological Philosophy.Steven M. Rosen - 2015 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 119:257-269.
    Through an exploration of theoretical physics, this paper suggests the need for regrounding natural science in phenomenological philosophy. To begin, the philosophical roots of the prevailing scientific paradigm are traced to the thinking of Plato, Descartes, and Newton. The crisis in modern science is then investigated, tracking developments in physics, science's premier discipline. Einsteinian special relativity is interpreted as a response to the threat of discontinuity implied by the Michelson-Morley experiment, a challenge to classical objectivism that Einstein sought to counteract. (...)
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    When Does Catholic Social Teaching Imply a Duty to be Vaccinated for the Common Good?Steven M. A. Bow - 2023 - The New Bioethics 29 (4):304-321.
    In 2017, Carson and Flood outlined a general duty to be vaccinated, arguing from Catholic social teaching on justice, love, solidarity and the common good. This necessarily relied on assumptions about the typical nature of vaccination, assumptions which do not always hold true in concrete situations. I identify twelve criteria that, where they hold, strengthen the particular duty to be vaccinated, and, if not met, weaken or reverse it. These pertain to the biological agent which vaccination aims to protect against, (...)
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    Religion After Religion: Gershom Scholem, Mircea Eliade, and Henry Corbin at Eranos.Steven M. Wasserstrom - 1999 - Princeton University Press.
    By the end of World War II, religion appeared to be on the decline throughout the United States and Europe. Recent world events had cast doubt on the relevance of religious belief, and modernizing trends made religious rituals look out of place. It was in this atmosphere that the careers of Scholem, Eliade, and Corbin--the twentieth century's legendary scholars in the respective fields of Judaism, History of Religions, and Islam--converged and ultimately revolutionized how people thought about religion. Between 1949 and (...)
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    Review Essay Are We Condemned to Authenticity?Steven M. Parish - 2009 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 37 (1):139-148.
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  15. Quantum Gravity and Taoist Cosmology: Exploring the Ancient Origins of Phenomenological String Theory.Steven M. Rosen - 2017 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 131:34-60.
    In the author’s previous contribution to this journal (Rosen 2015), a phenomenological string theory was proposed based on qualitative topology and hypercomplex numbers. The current paper takes this further by delving into the ancient Chinese origin of phenomenological string theory. First, we discover a connection between the Klein bottle, which is crucial to the theory, and the Ho-t’u, a Chinese number archetype central to Taoist cosmology. The two structures are seen to mirror each other in expressing the psychophysical (phenomenological) action (...)
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  16. Louis de la Forge and the development of occasionalism: Continuous creation and the activity of the soul.Steven M. Nadler - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):215-231.
    Louis de La Forge and the Development of Occasionalism: Continuous Creation and the Activity of the Soul STEVEN NADLER THE DOCTRINE OF DIVINE CONSERVATION is a dangerous one. It is not theologi- cally dangerous, at least not in itself. From the thirteenth century onwards, and particularly with the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas, the notion of the continuous divine sustenance of the world of created things was, if not univer- sally accepted, a nonetheless common feature of theological orthodoxy, Chris- (...)
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    Fate, logic, and time.Steven M. Cahn - 1967 - New Haven,: Yale University Press.
  18.  18
    Teaching Philosophy: A Guide.Steven M. Cahn - 2018 - London: Routledge.
    Some students find philosophy engrossing; others are merely bewildered. How can professors meet the challenge of teaching introductory-level philosophy so that their students, regardless of initial incentive or skill, come to understand and even enjoy the subject? For nearly a decade, renowned philosopher and teacher Steven M. Cahn offered doctoral students a fourteen-week, credit-bearing course to prepare them to teach undergraduates. At schools where these instructors were appointed, department chairs reported a dramatic increase in student interest. In this book, (...)
  19.  26
    The philosopher, the priest, and the painter: a portrait of Descartes.Steven M. Nadler - 2013 - Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press.
    "--Larry Silver, University of Pennsylvania ""The Philosopher, the Priest, and the Painter" is an excellent introduction for general readers to Descartes and his thought. Nadler brings the story and ideas to life.
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  20. Quantum Gravity and Phenomenological Philosophy.Steven M. Rosen - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (6):556-582.
    The central thesis of this paper is that contemporary theoretical physics is grounded in philosophical presuppositions that make it difficult to effectively address the problems of subject-object interaction and discontinuity inherent to quantum gravity. The core objectivist assumption implicit in relativity theory and quantum mechanics is uncovered and we see that, in string theory, this assumption leads into contradiction. To address this challenge, a new philosophical foundation is proposed based on the phenomenology of Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Martin Heidegger. Then, through (...)
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  21. Sellars' critical direct realism.Steven M. Levine - 2007 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 15 (1):53 – 76.
    In this paper, I attempt to demonstrate the structure of Sellars' critical direct realism in the philosophy of perception. This position is original because it attempts to balance two claims that many have thought to be incompatible: (1) that perceptual knowledge is direct, i.e., not inferential, and (2) that perceptual knowledge is irreducibly conceptual. Even though perceptual episodes are not the result of inferences, they must still stand within the space of reasons if they are to be counted not only (...)
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    How Can We Signify Being? Semiotics and Topological Self-Signification.Steven M. Rosen - 2014 - Cosmos and History 10 (2):250-277.
    The premise of this paper is that the goal of signifying Being central to ontological phenomenology has been tacitly subverted by the semiotic structure of conventional phenomenological writing. First it is demonstrated that the three components of the sign—sign-vehicle, object, and interpretant (C. S. Peirce)—bear an external relationship to each other when treated conventionally. This is linked to the abstractness of alphabetic language, which objectifies nature and splits subject and object. It is the subject-object divide that phenomenology must surmount if (...)
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    Representation in deductive problem-solving: The matrix.Steven M. Schwartz & Daniel L. Fattaleh - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 95 (2):343.
  24. Hume on Miracles: Would It Take a Miracle to Believe in a Miracle?Steven M. Bayne - 2007 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 45 (1):1-29.
    Given Hume’s theory of belief and belief production it is no small task to explain how it is possible for a belief in a miracle to be produced. I argue that belief in a miracle cannot be produced through Hume’s standard causal mechanisms and that although education, passion, and testimony initially seem to be promising mechanisms for producing belief in a miracle, none of these is able to produce the belief in amiracle. I conclude by explaining how this poses a (...)
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    The Constitution of Phenomenal Consciousness: Toward a Science and Theory.Steven M. Miller (ed.) - 2015 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Philosophers of mind have been arguing for decades about the nature of phenomenal consciousness and the relation between brain and mind. More recently, neuroscientists and philosophers of science have entered the discussion. Which neural activities in the brain constitute phenomenal consciousness, and how could science distinguish the neural correlates of consciousness from its neural constitution? At what level of neural activity is consciousness constituted in the brain and what might be learned from well-studied phenomena like binocular rivalry, attention, memory, affect, (...)
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    (1 other version)Kant on causation: on the fivefold routes to the principle of causation.Steven M. Bayne - 2004 - Albany, NY: State University of New York Press.
    A volume in the SUNY series in Philosophy George R. Lucas Jr., editor.
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    Cordemoy and occasionalism.Steven M. Nadler - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):37-54.
    This is an examination of the nature and extent of Cordemoy's commitment to the doctrine of occasionalism.
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  28. A clockwork orange is not about violence.Steven M. Cahn - 1974 - Metaphilosophy 5 (2):155–157.
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    A new introduction to philosophy.Steven M. Cahn - 1971 - New York,: Harper & Row.
    An accessible and engaging introduction to philosophical inquiry, this book concentrates on topics of greatest interest to beginning students: the nature and tools of philosophy, free will, philosophy of religion, ethics, and social ...
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  30. A supreme moral principle?Steven M. Cahn - 2000 - In Steven M. Cahn (ed.), Exploring Philosophy: An Introductory Anthology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press USA.
  31.  12
    Philosophical explorations: freedom, God, and goodness.Steven M. Cahn (ed.) - 1989 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
  32.  54
    Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity (review).Steven M. Nadler - 1998 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 36 (2):321-322.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity by Steven B. SmithSteven NadlerSteven B. Smith. Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. Pp. xvii + 270. Cloth, $30.00.Steven B. Smith’s aim in this elegant, well-written book is to restore Spinoza to his important and rightful place in the history of political and religious thought. At the heart of the (...)
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    Principles of Moral Philosophy: Classic and Contemporary Approaches.Steven M. Cahn & Andrew Forcehimes (eds.) - 2016 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Principles of Moral Philosophy: Classic and Contemporary Approaches covers all the major theories in normative ethics--relativism, egoism, divine command theory, natural law, Kantian ethics, consequentialism, pluralism, social contract theory, virtue ethics, the ethics of care, and particularism--and also includes sections on applied ethics and metaethics. It provides students with a balanced introduction to an array of approaches to topics in normative ethics, offering traditional theories alongside criticisms of them. The readings are enhanced by a variety of pedagogical features including a (...)
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    Arnauld, Descartes, and Transubstantiation: Reconciling Cartesian Metaphysics and Real Presence.Steven M. Nadler - 1988 - Journal of the History of Ideas 49 (2):229.
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    Kant's Theory of Imagination: Bridging Gaps in Judgement and Experience.Steven M. Bayne - 1997 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 35 (4):632-633.
  36. The master-interpreter : notes on the German career of Joachim Wach (1922-1935).Steven M. Wasserstrom - 2010 - In Christian K. Wedemeyer & Wendy Doniger (eds.), Hermeneutics, politics, and the history of religions: the contested legacies of Joachim Wach and Mircea Eliade. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Can stochastic physics be a complete theory of nature?Steven M. Moore - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (3-4):237-259.
    The prospects for a complete stochastic theory of microscopic phenomena are considered. The two traditional schools of stochastic physics, the diffusion process school and the zero-point electromagnetic field school, are reviewed. A completely relativistic theory, stochastic field theory, is proposed as an extension of the ideas of these two schools. Within the context of stochastic field theory we present the following new results: an elementary stochastization scheme which produces the zero-point electromagnetic field; a physical interpretation of the mathematical methods developed (...)
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    5. Spinoza in the Garden of Good and Evil.Steven M. Nadler - 2001 - In Michael J. Latzer & Elmar J. Kremer (eds.), The Problem of Evil in Early Modern Philosophy. University of Toronto Press. pp. 66-80.
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  39. Kant's answer to Hume: How Kant should have tried to stand Hume's copy thesis on its head.Steven M. Bayne - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):207 – 224.
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    Comparison of Engagement with Ethics Between an Engineering and a Business Program.Steven M. Culver, Ishwar K. Puri, Richard E. Wokutch & Vinod Lohani - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):585-597.
    Increasing university students’ engagement with ethics is becoming a prominent call to action for higher education institutions, particularly professional schools like business and engineering. This paper provides an examination of student attitudes regarding ethics and their perceptions of ethics coverage in the curriculum at one institution. A particular focus is the comparison between results in the business college, which has incorporated ethics in the curriculum and has been involved in ethics education for a longer period, with the engineering college, which (...)
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  41. Fate, Time, and Language: An Essay on Free Will.Steven M. Cahn & Maureen Eckert (eds.) - 2010 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    In 1962, the philosopher Richard Taylor used six commonly accepted presuppositions to imply that human beings have no control over the future. David Foster Wallace not only took issue with Taylor's method, which, according to him, scrambled the relations of logic, language, and the physical world, but also noted a semantic trick at the heart of Taylor's argument. _Fate, Time, and Language_ presents Wallace's brilliant critique of Taylor's work. Written long before the publication of his fiction and essays, Wallace's thesis (...)
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  42. The Cambridge companion to Malebranche.Steven M. Nadler (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The French philosopher and theologian Nicolas Malebranche was one of the most important thinkers of the early modern period. A bold and unorthodox thinker, he tried to synthesize the new philosophy of Descartes with religious Platonism. This is the first collection of essays to address Malebranche's thought comprehensively and systematically. There are chapters devoted to Malebranche's metaphysics, his doctrine of the soul, his epistemology, the celebrated debate with Arnauld, his philosophical method, his occasionalism and theory of causality, his philosophical theology, (...)
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    Aristotelian virtue and business ethics education.Steven M. Mintz - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):827 - 838.
    In recent years there has been an increased interest in the application of Aristotelian virtue to business ethics. The objective of this paper is to describe the moral and intellectual virtues defined by Aristotle and the types of pedagogy that might be used to integrate virtue ethics into the business curriculum. Virtues are acquired human qualities, the excellences of character, which enable a person to achieve the good life. In business, the virtues facilitate successful cooperation and enable the community to (...)
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    Preface.Steven M. Cahn & Maureen Eckert - 2010 - In Steven M. Cahn & Maureen Eckert (eds.), Fate, Time, and Language: An Essay on Free Will. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Closing in on the constitution of consciousness.Steven M. Miller - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  46. The Paradox of Mind and Matter: Utterly Different Yet One and the Same.Steven M. Rosen - 1992 - In B. Rubik (ed.), The Interrelationship Between Mind and Matter. Center for Frontier Sciences Temple University.
  47. Philosophy of Art and Aesthetics, From Plato to Wittgenstein [by] Frank A. Tillman [and] Steven M. Cahn. --.Frank A. Tillman & Steven M. Cahn - 1969 - Harper & Row.
  48.  34
    Moral Knowing in a Hindu Sacred City: An Exploration of Mind, Emotion, and Self.Steven M. Parish - 1994 - Columbia University Press.
    Explores the interrelationship of mind, self, emotion and the development of moral consciousness in the Nepalese city of Bhaktapur. The author investigates how the citizens have developed moral awareness in the context of cultural life.
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    Quantum Mechanics with density operators.Steven M. Moore & Columbia Bogota - 1978 - In A. R. Marlow (ed.), Mathematical foundations of quantum theory. New York: Academic Press. pp. 351--356.
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    The History and Development of the Cursus Mixtus in Latin Literature.Steven M. Oberhelman - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (01):228-.
    In 1984 and 1985 Ralph Hall and I presented statistical methodologies, based on inductive statistics and the comparative method, to determine the rhythmical qualities of Latin prose from the third to early sixth century A.D. We continued our work with the publication of articles on the final clausulae in the legal codes and Augustine's letters and on rhythms in internal positions, while I produced studies of the clausulae in the Pseudo-Sallustiana and Ammianus.
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